Guest Editors: Natalie Shlomo and Anne-Sophie Charest

Privacy, confidentiality, and disclosure protection have been critical issues in survey research for many decades, and while their importance is unchanged, the availability of electronic data and web-based data dissemination, the statistical methodology, and perhaps to some degree knowledge and attitudes in the general population have changed drastically over the past decade or two. The arrival of the Decennial Census in the US and the continued expansion of social media around the world makes this work more crucial than ever. Thus, the Journal for Survey Statistics and Methodology seeks submissions for a special issue on “Privacy, Confidentiality, and Disclosure Protection.”
This special issue invites standard research articles and briefer research notes for both the statistics and the survey methods section for the journal. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Development in new statistical methods of confidentiality and disclosure protection.
- Comparisons of competing approaches (e.g., differential privacy versus statistical disclosure control techniques).
- Measurement of disclosure risk.
- Consideration of knowledge and attitudes toward privacy and confidentiality and their impact on the data collection process.
- Small area estimation and disclosure protection.
- Compensating for measurement error induced by the disclosure protection methods.
- Methods of communicating confidentiality and privacy protection to sample members and effects on data collection and survey errors.
Submissions to the special issue are welcomed between October 15, 2020 and January 31, 2021. Upon submission manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with standard journal practice and will be published online soon after acceptance.
Electronic copies of the manuscripts should be uploaded at following the manuscript preparation instructions. To ensure consideration in the special issue, authors must include a cover letter that clearly states that the manuscript has been submitted for consideration for the special issue on ” Privacy, Confidentiality, and Disclosure Protection.” Queries about this special issue should be directed to Natalie Shlomo ( or Anne-Sophie Charest (